February 17, 2025


The Gods Made Home

6 Benefits of Using Stones in Interior and Exterior of Building

The use of stone in interior and exterior applications is widely gaining popularity all over the world. Be it commercial building or private houses, owners prefer the use of stones to enhance the beauty of the building. Apart from domestic and corporate use the stone is liberally used in the buildings where the architecture plays a key role in the business like heritage hotels, restaurants and showrooms.

Here are 6 major reasons of the growing popularity of stones in construction of buildings:

Exquisite Visual Appeal

The stone can be employed in variety of interior and exterior applications. The Jalli, pillars or panels made of stone have a distinct air of vintage that add to the overall visual impression of your building. Besides, the modern architects and interior designers have extensively experimented with various types of stones to be used in interior as well as exterior applications. Hence the material that was already famous for its strength is now also used for its designer value.

Negligible Maintenance

Not only does it offer a unique, eye caressing look to the entire building, but also requires negligible maintenance and care. They do not get smudged or stained easily. Due to its characteristics the stone’s surface provides a sufficient protection.

Onetime Expense

One of the best advantages of employing stones in your interior and exteriors is that it requires onetime expense. Its long lasting nature eliminates all worries and you just need to pay a single time expense of stone, fixing material and labor charge.


Unlike paint or vitrified tiles that have a life of 2-3 years, stone is a long lasting material that will maintain its charm through decades. Besides, unlike vitrified tiles the stone does not show apparent effects of ageing. Its rugged surface does not catch the dust easily or apparently shows the effects of the same.

Stone Cladding

The dry cladding of stone provides a complete protection against stone falling off over a periods of time. The change in temperature causes stone to contract and expand that also affects its grip. As the stones grip is weakened the water, sand and moisture start seeping into the cement joints and ultimately it falls off the wall. It can be extremely detrimental and can result in fatal accident especially if the stone is clad on building facade

The Stone Can Remain Intact For Long

Most of the historical buildings have employed an extensive use of stone and have been standing intact through the centuries. Besides, the walls of old forts were almost entirely made of stones. Not only did they provide an efficient protection from the intruders during that time but till today these walls and forts are unaffected by the extremities of weather and effects of time. That strengthens the stone’s position as a durable building material.