February 15, 2025


The Gods Made Home

Adult Dog Toilet Training Tips

Toilet training a dog is the process of teaching your dog to eliminate where you want. If you do not want to make yourself busy with picking up piles and removing dog urine stains from carpet, you need to potty train your dog. You need to give freedom to your dog outside or in your apartment where he can eliminate naturally and you do not have to worry about the mess.

In this article, we will discuss different aspects of adult dog toilet training.

Dog potty training with crate

The most effective method of dog toilet training involves the use of a crate. Dog is an intelligent and clean animal. They prefer to keep the place clean where they sleep.

After initial 2 weeks of training, your dog will learn what is expected of him in terms of toilet habits. Your dog should go to crate for rest, use the designated place for potty.

What you should know for toilet training a puppy in crate?

1. Crate size should not big enough so dog can sleep one side and potty other side

2. Crate should not too small, so that your puppy feels uncomfortable to go inside.

Potty training a dog without a crate

Dog toilet training without crate is difficult. There will be few cases of accidents initially and you need to be ready to clean up the mess without any physical punishment to your dog.

Important tips on dog training

1. You should be in touch with your dog throughout the day

2. You need to recognize signs that your dog needs to use the toilet so that you can immediately take the puppy to the spot where you want him to potty, give the command word and praise his successes. Always use same command like “go pee” and do not play with him that time.

Dog toilet training using papers

If you have a dog of small breed, you can use paper for dog toilet training. It is useful only if you stay in high-rise apartment and cannot take your dog outside for potty.

Are you dog owner and facing challenges in potty training your puppy?