The reasons for undercoating surfaces while you are conducting your home interior decoration are very simple and very important. Preparation in painting rooms is vital, without it your job will look amateur and very ugly. Once a surface is ready to paint and you’ve decided what it is your going to paint, a good rub down with the appropriate grade sand paper and then a good quality undercoat applied will give a nice finish. When an undercoat is applied properly two things happen:
1. The surface gets sealed
2. The surface is binded back to a hard shell ready for its last coat
The importance of knowing the properties of the undercoat for your home interior decoration job is vital. It will help you understand what happens on a finer and microscopic level. It’s not just an excuse to sell more paint to you! It’s a very important product even more important than the finish coat, because it determines the finish product.
If you can imagine a sponge and its surface it has a lot of holes and is very porous, right! So you need to seal that surface back to a smooth workable platform that will give you a nice clean canvas to work with. That is the job that undercoat is built for. To act as a surface builder ready for any coat you may be applying. So an undercoat is extremely important ay mate!
Before starting your next home interior decoration job try this! Do a sample, a surface with no undercoat and one with undercoat and you will notice a huge difference in the one that is coated, better coverage and a lot smoother finish.
BUT REMEMBER a good quality undercoat! Don’t just say ahhh phh it’s just an undercoat, I only need something for the top coat to sit on. Big mistake! The quality ones sand to a nice powdery finish and are not plastic looking. So remember this when starting your home interior decoration job the undercoat is the most important coat of paint that will determine the outcome of your finished product.
Well I hope you’ve learned something from my painting tips and I’ll catch ya on the next run for more painting and decorating tips. Happy painting people… Wayne the painter.
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