February 15, 2025


The Gods Made Home

How To Build The Perfect Hydroponics Grow Room

Hydroponics Grow Rooms

Indoor gardening involving hydroponics equipment. The senior most requirement, is a purpose built grow room. A hydroponics grow room requires certain materials to provide certain elements for protection, retention, reflection and safety. These have to be available throughout the plants life cycles. The requirements have to be applied when designing and before building commences.

Grow Room Materials

The materials required to successfully modify a room or space into a suitable growing environment mostly depends on what the surface is you are starting with, i.e. brick or wood. Most grow rooms in dwellings are loft’s poorly converted. A bricked room is better insulated and therefor would require less materials however a loft is usually more beneficial for the grower as they are tend to not be used and easier to gain access to air and venting. A quality built indoor growing environment will have insulated walls and ceilings for ease of managing temperatures inside. Grow rooms which are not insulated adequately will loose heat in the winter and add heat in the hotter weather. On top of this insulation should be plasterboard. This is a further insulation barrier but also provides a rigid surface to hang your reflective wall coverings on. The flooring should be suspended above concrete floors. Cold floors will result in the reservoir waters being too cold to feed causing the plants to ‘stun’, and will also welcome certain disease’s associated with cold waters in a warm environment allowing pests such as Thrip to thrive. If your room has windows then this is a disadvantage and would best be over covered with insulation.

Grow Room Wall Coverings

The need for grow room wall coverings should firstly be to keep the growing environment clean. The wall’s will end up with plants growing up against them and after applying foliar feeds these walls will no doubt be covered in foliar feed too. By ensuring the room is clean you are eliminating the possibilities of pests and diseases. Other benefits ‘sheet’ wall coverings offer is light reflection, heat reflection, and insulation when correctly fitted. Many grow room wall coverings are applied with folds and creases visible. This is detrimental to the light reflection and will cause ‘hot spots’ to occur, further more pests are likely to hide and nest there. It is good practice to apply the polythene sheet based wall coverings with staples into the plasterboard and ‘duct tape’. Duct tape is a highly adhesive tape often available in white, black, grey or metallic silver. It is best to use the same colour as your wall coverings in order to seal the joints ensuring light and heat reflection is maintained throughout.

Grow Room Electrics

A lot of electrical power is required to run one 250 watt light, most growing rooms average on 3000 watts just for lights. This is an enormous amount compared with the rest of a standard dwelling and does not include fans for air in and air out, air pumps, water pumps, feeder pumps, dehumidifiers and more. Before build commences upgrade the electrics and seal all wirings behind the grow room walls or ceiling. Plants release a massive amount of moisture into the air resulting in water runs on the walls and ceilings, ensure your cables and wirings can not be allowed to be penetrated with liquids.

Grow Room Water Supply

It is beneficial to have a clean water supply in the grow room. This is for topping up the reservoir that will house the water that is required to add to the nutrient reservoirs and also to supply clean water for cleaning utensils, bottles and equipment. It is best for this water supply to be built behind the insulation as a cold water supply will add cold into the room via the pipework. Best practice would see a common kitchen sink built into the grow room, this would enable the grower easier access for cleaning and general all round good practice.