Crystal chandeliers have that magical ability to create the aura of elegance and warmth to wherever they hang. And since your homes’ lighting is a fundamental ingredient, it makes sense to use it as a way of creating and augmenting the ambiance in whichever method you decide.
Well-arranged lighting will instinctively give life and dynamism to the reception rooms that you want.
Cleaning Tips
At first, it may seem scary to clean crystal chandeliers for a number of reasons. First, they are often placed high up on the ceiling. Second, the ornate design of the chandelier makes it a delicate fixture to clean properly. In properly cleaning a crystal chandelier, follow these steps:
– Set up alternative lighting. Ensure that you have another light source set up since you won’t be able to use you crystal chandeliers while cleaning them.
– Make sure the chandeliers power is turned off. If the crystal chandeliers are turned on, it can be dangerous for you.
– Cover the bulbs, for example with sandwich bags.
– Place a sheet below the crystal chandeliers to keep liquid from falling on your floor.
– Mix up a solution made up of one part isopropyl alcohol and three parts water. Spray the solution on, then allow your crystal chandeliers to drip dry. Take off the sandwich bags when you are done with drying the crystals.
How To Spot If the Crystals On the Chandelier Are Fake
Fake-crystal fixtures can be great in an apartment or early home because they’re affordable. However, if you prefer to have the real crystal, how do you spot decent quality from the assortment of fakes and rip-offs sold out there?
1) What to look out for: Just like in buying diamonds, you spot for one which shows clarity, purity, a fine cut and good color. Look for an absence of flaws and no inclusions, bubbles or rough spots. The surface must feel smooth, and the crystal shouldn’t have a gray or green cast.
2) The lead content of crystal doesn’t indicate how fine it is. Some manufacturers often add lead to glass to make it softer and more malleable, and, because of the way lead interacts with light, it adds an excellent prismatic, shimmering effect.
3) All crystal is glass. Distinguishing between good and fine crystal can be tough. Schonbek Crystals sells many of its fixtures in two grades: Spectra, a nice but lower-grade crystal, and Strass, the finest. Spectra costs half as much. However, when they’re both hanging from a ceiling, the look is almost indistinguishable,” a crystal chandelier analyst muses. Check crystal quality from the manufacturer, or ask for advice from reputable home décor dealers.
4) All crystal starts as a liquid poured into a mold, and then it’s polished either by hand, machine or fire. Fire-polished crystal, which are also called molded, is the cheapest. The facets on the glass aren’t as crisp, because fire molds by melting. Hand and precision-machine cutting creates crisper facets. Swarovski crystal, considered the finest worldwide, is machine-cut.
5) When cleaning the crystal, don’t spray a cleaning agent directly onto the fixture. Get some white cotton gloves or a soft cloth. Squirt glass cleaner on your gloved hand and wipe the crystal. Crystal dealer Schonbek Beers adds, clean it often. “If it’s not clean, even the most brilliant crystal will look like plastic.”
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