February 12, 2025


The Gods Made Home

Benefits of Using a Baby Bath Dam Over a Conventional Baby Bath

If you are a parent or know someone who has recently had a baby, you may be aware of some of the problems you encounter when bathing a baby or toddler.

Most baby baths are generally a bulky affair, which can be a bit of a pain to store away, especially if you’re a bit short on space or live in a small flat or apartment. Size is also a major factor if you’re considering a holiday or if you’re just staying over with friends or family. This is also a problem as the baby begins to grow. Most baby baths will not accommodate a toddler, so you would then either have to fork out for a new larger bath or run a full bath every time you need to bath your baby.

This brings me on to another very important point when mentioning cost. To fill a family size bath for a baby is not only wasting water, but will certainly have an affect on your monthly water and heating bills. If you work out how many times you would need to fill your family size bath in a year, you would probably be very surprised how much this actually costs on top of your normal energy bill.

There is now a new baby bath product, which takes all these issues into consideration and makes bathing your baby not only simple, but cost effective too. This fantastic product simply creates a dam within your family bath. The dam can be positioned to create the bath size you want, so whether you’re bathing a small baby or a toddler you can simply move the dam to create a larger or smaller area of the bath to fill.

This baby bath accessory saves you money on water and heating bills and can create a bath size to suit the size of your baby. There are also huge benefits with storage too. The bath dam’s size and shape allows it to be stored practically anywhere and can be easily packed away if you’re travelling.

If you’re expecting a baby or no someone who is, then this new baby dam bath accessory is a fantastic item to own or give someone as a gift. It saves time and money, and makes bathing your baby easy and fun.