Picking patio furniture and accessories for your outdoor space can be fun once you decide what you would like your area to be. If you have a large patio space, you may have room for a seating area and a dining area. Even if you have a smaller space and must choose between eating or lounging, you still have the task of choosing the furniture material, style, and cushions.
Your patio furniture and accessories should reflect your style, as well as your desire for upkeep. That is why it is important to choose the right material. Wicker, wrought iron, teak, and cast aluminum are common outdoor furniture materials. Each requires a different type of care. Wicker should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from moisture. Sunlight will cause the reeds to dry out and moisture can cause mildewing. Wrought iron should be properly covered when not in use to prevent rust. Once rust appears, the furniture must be sanded and repainted. Teak will turn from brown to grey if left out in the elements. While this doesn’t lessen the quality of the furniture, it changes the look. Fading can be prevented by applying teak protectant yearly. Cast aluminum furniture is basically maintenance free. It only requires occasional hosing off when dirty.
Once you have picked a material and style, you need cushions for your patio furniture and accessories to match. Cushions can be bought in a variety of materials and colors to match almost any decor. If you have installed a wood or propane fireplace in your outdoor space, be sure that your cushions are made of flame retardant fabric and fill. Other accessories that can define your space include patio rugs, lights, fountains, and garden statues. Lighting can vary, depending on what activities you intend to do in the space. For parties, softer lighting is better. However, if you intend to sit on the patio and read, brighter lamps should be used near the seating. Rugs define specific places, so they can be used to distinguish areas from one another.
Filling your outdoor space with the right patio furniture and accessories can extend the living space of your home. If you have purchased furniture that has the right level of maintenance for you, keeping your patio beautiful will be a breeze. Choosing the right accessories and furniture can take it from being a patio to extra living space.
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